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Een blouse met opstaande kraag en uitlopende mouwen
Atelier Brunette - LA Chemise Amirale - Papier patroon A shirt with an imperial collar that supports our steps with a(d)mira(b)le phlegm. To sew in two or three snaps of the fingers. Included : A sturdy printed Kraft case: 302 g/m2 A full-size colour printed board on paper suitable for the pattern without overlay with a QRCode* guiding you to the illustrated assembly booklet in PDF format An explanatory and illustrated colour booklet in FR/EN A woven label in unbleached cotton "Signature" MY SPECIFICITIES: A loose fit to ensure ease of all our movements An ideal length that teases our hips A high officer collar that subtly covers our necks A double-button placket closure please A back yoke to highlight the design of our shoulders Pleats in the back that aspire to lightness Long, slightly flared sleeves that brush our hands A simple hem for the bottom of the sleeves.
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