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​​​​​​​With its refined details and slightly retro look, Bridgette is a dress imbued with the Singular style, easy to live with and feminine.
Cousette - Bridgette Dress / Blouse Pattern With its refined details and slightly retro look, Bridgette is a dress imbued with the Singular style, easy to live with and feminine. Batwing sleeves, a waist cinched by two box pleats, a shawl collar and a flared midi-length skirt, make Bridgette a dress with a perfect fit. The pattern is also available as a short blouse with box pleats or long blouses (without pleats), to be worn tucked into pants for a trendy silhouette.
Supplies needed: Dress version: Fabric (width 140cm): 330 cm Fusible interfacing: 110 cm 8 buttons ø 10 to 12 mm Shirt version: VA (width 140 cm): 180 cm (XS Fusible interfacing: 45 cm 3 buttons ø 10 to 12 mm VB (width 140 cm): 200 cm (XS Fusible interfacing: 55 cm 4 buttons ø 10 to 12 mm Recommended fabrics: We advise you to use fluid materials such as viscose, tencel, ...
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