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Het betreft een papier patroon!
What you will learn with this sewing pattern: sew zipper with a finishing tape, assemble a fully lined hood, sew pockets, make a zig-zag lockstitch, sew a neckline bias binding, and sew yokes.
A video is available for free access on the site including the complete assembly of the garment (all options).
Technical videos are available for free access on the site with all our tips for shortening zippers and for sewing knitted fabrics on a sewing machine.
Knitted fabric: French terry, terry cloth, waffle jersey, fleece, interlock, Milano knit, quilted jersey, sherpa and teddy on a knit base.
This pattern can be cut with different fabrics. Fabric lengths are shown in the table. In this case, we recommend you choose fabrics with equivalent weights for all pieces.
For fabric lengths:
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