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Megan Nielsen Patterns
De patronen van Megan Nielsen zijn met veel zorg ontworpen. Ze zijn gepassioneerd om draagbare kledingstukken te ontwerpen die passen bij je dagelijkse leven. Zo heb je uiteindelijk een stijlvolle, leuke en gemakkelijk zittende gardrobe!
Megan Nielsen Patterns create sewing patterns for contemporary wardrobe essentials in sizes 0-30. We design our patterns with real people in mind and are passionate about creating every day wearable pieces that work with your lifestyle, not against it. Our goal is to make sewing your own stylish wardrobe enjoyable and easy, and we’re here to help!
Megan Nielsen patterns are professionally drafted to industry standards and we are uncompromising on quality. Every design is thoroughly tested internally by our team and externally by normal people who love to sew (like you!).
Our paper patterns come in a beautiful sturdy envelope and are printed on high quality tissue paper, accompanied by an easy to use instruction booklet to guide you through every stage of construction with clear diagrams and simple language.
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